Sunday, January 31, 2016

Proud to be a Gorilla

Earlier this week, I was told that I needed to call a colleague in the athletic department about bringing some equipment to a basketball game. This is a touchy subject because we don't want to turn into a lending business, even if it is only across the parking lot. Once I heard what it was for, I couldn't turn it down.The university's athletes had  raised enough money to host a wish celebration for Make-a-wish. The child has a congenital heart disease. She wants to go to New York City and see Les Miserables. Originally, I was asked to provide a spotlight. Unfortunately, our spot lights are a little large and not built to be moved. Instead, I offered a couple of stage lights that would act as spot lights. As we were going through the plans for the day, I was informed that the actor playing ValJean had recorded a video welcoming this girl to come see the show and visit with him backstage. The field house however, does not have a video screen and the plan was to only play the audio. I was having nothing of it and volunteered our portable projector and screen to athletics. On the day of the event, my crews were busy in the morning setting up our small theater space for the upcoming production of Merry Wives of Windsor. This involved removing all the lights and three rows of chairs. We also had to add the thrust to the stage. This project took all morning. The event was to begin at the end of the women's basketball game. At half time of the game, I released my crews to take showers and change in preparation for the event. The request was that all those going to the event dress in black tie and act as paparazzi to create a special afternoon for the young girl.  We went over the the field house and the event was perfect. Pitt State was the only school whose students raised enough money to host this event and I couldn't be more proud to work there.

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